New Season Apples
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New Season Apples
Feijoas Available Now!
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Free Shipping on all Orders $98 and Over
Fast Delivery - NZ Wide
Orders Close Wednesdays at 10 AM
Imagine if we told you there was a fantastic product that could make your workday easier.
Something that fuels your brain, boosts your mood, keeps you hydrated, gives you sustained energy and helps you focus.
The good news is, there is such a product – or should we say, the "produce" already exists.
Fruit often gets overlooked in favour of well-marketed, snazzy new snack products targeted to busy workers. But really, there's nothing simpler, tastier and healthier than good, old fashioned fruit to power you through your day at work. That’s regardless of whether you are a web developer or a construction worker.
Let’s look at why fruit is so nutritious, and toss out a few fruity ideas for you to pack in your satchel.
First Things First: Breakfast!
The way you begin your day dictates how you will feel for the rest of it.
Yes, breakfast really is the most important meal! A decent breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and ensures you have all the energy needed to see you through to the first break without getting hunger pangs.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Whip up a bowl of oatmeal with some berries or bananas, throw your favourite fruit into the blender for a smoothie, or slather avocado on some toast. These are all quick and easy ways to feed your brain and muscles for the next few hours.
Smart Snacks
You don't have to wait until your big breaks or the end of the day to refuel. Snacking is an excellent way to boost your focus and tide you over until the next big meal – but only if you do it right!
If you are in a brain slump and need a pick-me-up, try grabbing an apple instead of a coffee. The apple will provide you with more energy than the coffee, and calm a grumbly tummy at the same time. Plus, fruit is proven to help your brain recall information.
Avoid The Sugar Rollercoaster
Processed, high-sugar items will give you an energy spike, sure, but it will be followed up by a dive not long after. High blood sugar actually impairs your memory, making it harder to focus.
Our brains run on glucose, and frequent, smaller meals help keep the levels constant, so our grey matter can work harder for longer.
While it’s true that fruit contains sugar, it’s a world away from the sugar contained in biscuits, cakes, or lollies. That’s because it is a naturally occurring sugar that we consume within fruit as a nutrient package that also contains fibre.
Not only does fibre keep our digestive system chugging along, but it also slows the breakdown of the sugar in fruit. That makes it available to our bodies more steadily without the spike.
Fruit Up Your Workday With These Yummy Ideas
There are heaps of ways that you can fit yummy, fruity snacks and meals into your day. Here are just a few of our favourites:
Sometimes it can be really hard to find good quality fresh fruit from the supermarket. Which is why we source all of our fruit directly from local growers. Then, we package it up and deliver it to your door so that you get to enjoy the freshness and quality as if it were just picked from the tree (or vine)!