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New Season Apples
Feijoas Available Now!
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Free Shipping on all Orders $98 and Over
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Orders Close Wednesdays at 10 AM
Our children may grow up, spread their wings, and swoop off into the big wide world. But no matter how old they are, we never stop caring about them.
For many young adults, heading off to university is their first taste of true independence, which can be a scary time (sometimes more for their parents than them!)
Even if your university student has only moved out of home but is staying in the same city, this is the time to take a few steps back and give them some space. But that doesn’t mean we can’t keep nurturing them from a distance!
Here are our top five ways to show a little love to your children/young adults from afar.
Maybe your university student misses you as much as you miss them and is blowing up your phone every day. Or perhaps you have an outgoing, independent student who you are lucky to get a text from once a week.
Regardless of how communicative (or otherwise) your child is, it’s important to let them know you are there if and when they need you.
This might involve adapting your communication style to expect fewer phone calls and more text messages, and perhaps the odd Facetime call as well.
Though they may roll their eyes if you push them too much, they will appreciate your presence when they are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or maybe a little homesick.
Perhaps your university student is pursuing their education in another city – or even a different country. It can be scary knowing you can’t easily be by their side in an emergency or illness.
For your peace of mind, it’s good to know there’s a responsible person to step in and help in a pinch. Maybe you have a family member or friend in the area that can agree to be on call when needed.
If not, make sure you keep contact details of the appropriate people in the university that can help care for your child when you can’t be there.
At the risk of being "naff" (is that even still a word?), the art of letter writing doesn't have to be lost. Yes it’s faster and easier to send an email or a Facebook message, but there's something just a little special about checking your mail and getting a handwritten card or note – maybe even with a wee present squeezed inside.
Trust us; even if your grown-up child thinks it's dorky, they will secretly be chuffed. Especially if the parcel contains food! Just don't expect to get one in return!
We know, caring doesn’t have to be all about money. But for a uni student, money is usually pretty scant. Rather than sending them cash which could be unwisely spent, how about a gift card to spend at their local supermarket, or a top-up of their Uber account so they can get around town safely?
A gift card is a great way of showing them they care, while helping make sure they get the things they need. Warm clothes, bedding, and new shoes can all be taken care of without the worry of the money being spent on beer in error!
Are you confident that your young adult is going to eat well-rounded meals and take great care of themselves? Chances are, with a tight budget and new-found freedom, they will be living off cans of spaghetti and boxes of takeout.
While that’s all part of uni-life, it’s a great idea to gently encourage and help them get nutritious snacks and meals with the gift of fruit.
Sending a fruit box subscription enables them to eat healthy snacks as they study, and you can rest easy knowing that at least some of their diet is appropriate!
We want to help you take care of your university student from afar here at Twisted Citrus. Which is why we have fruit gift boxes especially for them! Or you could even set up a subscription option to get delicious fruit delivered to your student on a regular basis.