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New Season Apples
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Preserved lemons were a mystery to me a few years ago, until I came across a recipe that called for them. I naively thought that a real lemon was a satisfactory substitute...boy was I wrong! A few weeks later, after a failed recipe and unable to find them at our local supermarket, I found a preserved lemon recipe online and made my own.
Preserved lemons were a mystery to me a few years ago, until I came across a recipe that called for them. I naively thought that a real lemon was a satisfactory substitute...boy was I wrong!
A few weeks later, after a failed recipe and unable to find them at our local supermarket, I found a preserved lemon recipe online and made my own.
Not surprisingly the lemons are the most important ingredient to get right.
6-10 unwaxed lemons (amount depends on your jar size)
250g coarse salt
Extra lemon juice
Wipe lemons firmly with a warm, damp, clean cloth. Slice a small section off both the top and bottom of the lemon.
Cut them downwards into quarters, but not all the way through. Leave about 1cm at the base to keep them together.
Pack a generous amount of salt into the middle of each lemon, holding them over a bowl so you don't lose the salt.
Pack the lemons very firmly into the jar, curved side up or out. Pressing down firmly as you go to release the juice.
Fill the jar up as much as you can. Sprinkle over 2 tablespoons of salt and top up with lemon juice if required.
Let the lemons mature for at least 8 weeks, turning every so often, once opened, store in the refrigerator.
Preserved lemons can be stored unopened for up to 12 months in a cool dark spot.
Once you open a jar for a particular recipe, it can often sit in the fridge for some time. Here a few ideas that will add an extra flavour dimension to your cooking!