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New Season Apples
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What if we told you that many of the things you've been told about fruit simply aren't true?
Like the sugar in fruit will make you fat, or bananas aren't the calorie-laden bad guys you've been led to believe.
Shocking, we know!
There are a lot of rumours and old wives tales floating around out there about fruit.
So, we believe it's our job to dispel the myths about our beloved fruit and fill you in on the facts. Open your mind and get your fruit bowl ready – it's fruit myth busting time!
The Sugar In Fruit Is Bad For You
There is a vast difference between added refined sugar and the natural sugar (fructose) you find in whole fruit. When you eat a piece of fruit, you are downing a whole food source, which includes vitamins, fibre, minerals, phytonutrients, and natural sugars.
All those elements work together to achieve different things in your body. The presence of fibre and other elements means those natural sugars are released into your bloodstream slowly, as opposed to a can of soda or a chocolate bar which floods your system with sugar and fat and very little else!
Avocados Are Unhealthy Because They Are Full Of Fat
Yes, avocados contain fat - but there's a but!
Avocados are packed full of monounsaturated fat – which is the good kind of fat found in things like peanuts and olive oil. Unlike saturated fat, this type of fat can help support good cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease. Bring on the Avo toast!
Bananas Are Bad For You
Poor bananas; these yellow powerhouses have gotten a bad rap from diet gurus and the like over the last few years for being high in calories and carbs.
But that just isn’t fair!
A medium banana contains around 105 calories, about the same as a large apple or three small squares of chocolate, and approximately 27 grams of carbohydrate. But let's not forget that bananas are also bursting with fibre, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, and an impressive 450mg of potassium.
Eaten in moderation (as with any food!), they provide you with energy, keep you full for longer, and are incredibly versatile.
Oranges Are The Best Souce Of Vitamin C
It's so wired into our consciousness that oranges = vitamin C that even our supplements are orange-flavoured!
While there is a decent amount in the average orange (around 82.7 mg), plenty of other fruits offer even more. Half a cup of chopped red capsicum (yes, these are fruits!) boasts a whopping 141.6 mg of vitamin C. A cup of fresh strawberries contains 89.4mg, and one cup of chopped papaya offers 86.5.
Pineapple, mango and kiwifruit also contain more than an orange. So, take your pick from these delicious options when you need a boost of vitamin C.
You Should Eat Fruit On An Empty Stomach
While some of us have varied tolerances for different kinds of fruit, generally, this is an old wives tale. The theory is that eating fruit with a meal will slow your digestive system, causing the fruit to stay in your system fermenting and causing gas.
An overload of fibre can slow down your digestion a little, but you would have to consume a whole lot of it to notice – more than you could get from a few pieces of fruit. What you may notice if adding fruit to a meal is that you feel fuller for longer – which is a good thing!
There you have it; your top fruit myths untwisted and set straight. If you've been avoiding avos or banning bananas, it's time to embrace these nutritious beauties and enjoy all the benefits of delicious, fresh fruit at any time of day!
It's no myth that fruit is best enjoyed when it's fresh and in season. Twisted Citrus pick only the best and deliver it right to your door, so jump online and order your favourite fruit today!