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New Season Apples

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October 14 2020

Awesome Ideas For Fruity Halloween Treats

halloween fruit

When you think of Halloween, what comes to mind?

For us, it’s enormous orange pumpkins, buckets full of candy, children roaming the streets dressed as ghosts, ghouls, and goblins…. and fruit!

While fruit may not be a traditional Halloween essential, there’s no reason it can’t become part of the family tradition.

After all, it’s far more nutritious than sacks full of sweets and chocolate, and super easy to prep into a spooky theme that will delight young and old alike.

Not convinced?

Prepare to be inspired by the delicious, quirky, and fun Halloween-themed fruit ideas below.


Awesome Ideas For Fruity Halloween Treats

Monster Teeth

How about an apple that bites back? These snacks are sure to keep the doctor away - unless we are talking about Dr Jekyll!

Simply cut your apples into eight sections (sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice to prevent browning), and spread some nut butter on each slice.

For the teeth, you can insert yoghurt covered nuts or raisins or use slivered almonds on top of one segment, then add a second segment on top.

Here's an example to inspire you.


Ghost Bananas – Aka Boo-nanas

You really can’t get more simple than these cute little Casper-y bananas.

Remove the peel, chop ‘em in half, and add some chocolate drops for the eyes and “o”-shaped mouth.

Don’t forget to use lemon juice to stop them from going brown if you are not going to eat them straight away. If you want to get fancy, dip them in plain yoghurt or white chocolate, then use dark melted chocolate for the eyes and mouth.

Check out this cute example!


Mandarin “Pumpkins”

Another one for those with tight time budgets!

Pumpkins are the epitome of Halloween. But, they do need a bit of prep work before you can really enjoy eating them. Not so with the mandarin equivalent!

All you have to do is peel your mandarins and push a sliver of celery into the top to create delightful, delicious mini pumpkins. Quick, easy, delicious and effective!


Candy Corn Cups

While candy corn isn’t huge in NZ, Halloween in the US wouldn’t be the same without it. You can replicate the yellow, orange, and white colours of this candy with a healthy twist.

Layer a glass or a small clear container with pineapple chunks on the bottom and mandarin segments in the middle, and top with a generous blob of yoghurt, whipped cream, or ice cream.

Delicious, nutritious, and won’t break your teeth like actually candy corn does!



These adorable kiwi monsters need a bit of prep time but look awesome!

You'll need a peeler, some pretzel sticks, and chocolate chips to create them, but it's all pretty straightforward!

Cut one end off the kiwi so that it sits flat on the plate. Then, remove the majority of the skin from the fruit. Just make sure to leave a jagged edge of it at the top end, to resemble ‘hair’. Simply poke the pretzel sticks into the sides of the fruit for ‘bolts’, and add chocolate chips for eyes.

Check out a visual example here.


Shrek Smoothies

What do Shrek and healthy smoothies have in common? Nope, not onions! They are both green!

It might be a stretch, but concocting a kid-friendly green smoothie and drawing a creepy monster face on the mug might just convince your children to enjoy their fruit and veg.


Grape Snakes

Any fruit cut into chunks can make a great snake, but grapes are ready and waiting to be snaked! Grab some skewers, impale a few grapes along the length, and voila – creepy snakes! Use chocolate icing to draw facial features if you are feeling creative.


Carved Fruit

You don’t need pumpkins to create some cool Halloween carvings! Get creative with a melon, a pineapple, or even a capsicum or two.

Alternatively, scoop the inside out of some oranges, carve little Jack-o-Lantern faces into them, and fill them with berries. Yum!


Halloween fruit can be super fun! While you may not want to hand these healthy delights out at the doorstep, they are perfect for a Halloween party or a lunchbox surprise for the kids. And for the grownups too! Showing up to work with a plate of these may bring joy to even the staunchest Halloween grinch in the office.

And if you need some delicious in-season fruit to spookify this Halloween, head on over and grab one of our delicious fruit boxes now!