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August 02 2021

Tamarillo Ricotta Semifreddo

Semifreddo is a frozen dessert with the texture of frozen mousse.

This Tamarillo Ricotta Semifreddo recipe is a great one to make ahead of time. Extra tamarillos can be pulped and frozen while in abundance and can be pulled out to make any time of the year.

Tamarillo Ricotta Semifreddo frozen dessert - Twisted Citrus

Tamarillo ricotta semifreddo

8 large tamarillos
500g ricotta cheese
400g Greek yogurt
½ cup golden caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
100mls orange juice
To serve, tamarillo slices and mint leaves

Peel and roughly chop the tamarillos and place them in a saucepan over a medium heat. Cook for 10 minutes, until the fruit has broken down to a pulp. Use a fork or stick blender to break down all of the fruit. Set aside to cool completely.

Lightly grease six shallow freezer-proof molds (150mls capacity), alternately, line a loaf tin with baking paper or plastic wrap.

Blend the ricotta, vanilla bean Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of the sugar and the vanilla essence until smooth using a blender or food processor. Fold in half of the cooled tamarillo pulp, until just combined.

Divide the mixture evenly among molds or pour into the lined loaf tin. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for about 1-2 hours or until just firm.

Combine remaining sugar, extra tamarillo pulp, and orange juice. Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Simmer, uncovered, for about 6 minutes, or until syrup thickens. Leave to cool.

Just before serving, remove the semifreddo from the freezer and remove it from the molds or tin. Turn the chilled dessert out onto plates (in slices if you used a loaf tin). Serve with the extra tamarillo syrup, sliced tamarillos and mint leaves.


Once known as the tree tomato, the Tamarillo is an intense mix of tangy, sweet flesh with a jelly and seed centre (similar to a tomato or feijoa.) 

While they originated in South America, the red Tamarillo was cultivated in New Zealand. Just one tamarillo will ensure you get a whopping 89% of your daily vitamin C requirement! Plus around a quarter of your vitamin A and E needs. What a powerhouse!

Tamarillos can be scooped out and eaten raw, delicious with a little brown sugar. They are incredibly versatile and go well in savoury or sweet dishes. This makes them popular to use in chunky chutneys, relishes, and sauces. Or baked with honey and ricotta. Or baked on top of spiced Autumnal cakes. There are so many options!