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New Season Grapes

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May 15 2021

Feijoa Paste

This thick feijoa paste is like an old-fashioned fruit “cheese” and like the feijoa jam recipe we've also shared, it's a great companion for blue cheese. It also makes a nice little gift, wrapped up in greaseproof paper and tied with some twine.

Feijoa Paste Recipe - Twisted Citrus

Feijoa Paste

3 cooking apples
500g feijoas, ends removed, peeled and chopped (reserve the peel)
600g white sugar

Remove the skin from feijoas and place in a large saucepan with the roughly chopped cooking apples (no need to peel or core them). Roughly chop the feijoa flesh and set aside.

Barely cover the apple and feijoa skin with water and cook until soft and mushy. This will make the cooking liquid for the feijoa. Strain cooked fruit through a fine sieve into a large pot, making sure to push down hard on the apples to get out all the juice. Discard the pulp from the apple and feijoa skin. Add feijoa flesh to liquid and cook until soft.

Push feijoa mixture through a sieve or mash to produce feijoa pulp. Add sugar to feijoa pulp and stir until dissolved. Cook slowly on lowest heat, stirring every 2-3 minutes until thick. This will take about 2 hours. When it’s ready, the spoon will leave a path in the mixture and will start to come away from the sides.

Line a slice tin with baking paper and quickly pour in the paste. Smooth the top. Place aside to set, then cut into squares, wrap in paper and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Serve with cheese and crackers.


Yummy, scrummy Gisborne feijoas, ready to devour. Bursting full of the mouth-watering, moreish flavour Kiwis know and love.

Chock full of vitamin C, your immune system will thank you for digging into this iconic NZ fruit.

Slice and scoop to eat, or use in your favourite baking. Mmmm…. Close your eyes and think spiced feijoa crumble and ice cream, warm feijoa muffins for morning tea, sweet and tangy feijoa chutney with camembert and wine…