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June 01 2021

Tamarillo Breakfast Crumble

I adore eating leftover crumble for breakfast so I wanted a lower sugar option that is made with breakfast in mind!

There is no butter so you can easily make this dairy-free. You have lots of freedom to personalize this versatile dish with different fruit combinations.

I always make 2 crumbles and put one in the freezer so this recipe makes 2, but just halve the recipe if you only want to make one.

The sugar & syrup can be left out for a pure option as well.

Recipe by Jana MacPherson.

Yummy Red Tamarillo Breakfast Crumble - Twisted Citrus

Tamarillo Breakfast Crumble

4 cups of Tamarillo
6 cups of fruit (I used stewed pears and tayberries)

3 cups oats
½ cup almond meal
½ cup desiccated coconut
½ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of maple syrup (or golden syrup would work if you haven't any maple)
*1 lemon

Prepare the crumble by adding all the ingredients together in a large bowl and stirring to combine all the ingredients nicely, then set aside.

Prepare your fruit, I've used stewed pears as we had an abundance of them.

But if you are using fresh apples or pears, peel, core and slice them. You might like to squeeze some *lemon over the top to stop it browning.

Top and tail the tamarillos and cut into wedges so that it's easy to remove and discard of the skin.

Get out your 2 baking dishes and pop the apples in first, then snuggle the tamarillos in. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of the syrup over each dish.

Then share the crumble topping between the two dishes and push down a little.

Bake one dish at 180 for approx. 50 mins.

Wrap the other one up to go in the freezer for a lazy Sunday morning breakfast.

Serve with yoghurt and pumpkin seeds.


Once known as the tree tomato, the Tamarillo is an intense mix of tangy, sweet flesh with a jelly and seed center (similar to a tomato or feijoa.) 

While they originated in South America, the red Tamarillo was cultivated in New Zealand. Just one tamarillo will ensure you get a whopping 89% of your daily vitamin C requirement! Plus around a quarter of your vitamin A and E needs. What a powerhouse!

Tamarillos can be scooped out and eaten raw, delicious with a little brown sugar. They are incredibly versatile and go well in savoury or sweet dishes. This makes them popular to use in chunky chutneys, relishes, and sauces. Or baked with honey and ricotta. Or baked on top of spiced Autumnal cakes. There are so many options!


Click here for more delicious Tamarillo recipes